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TI or Targeted Individual Websites: Targeted Justice, PACTS:People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International, and links.  (FFCHS [2006-2015 and later] + FFTI were earlier TI political organizing efforts.)

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Is Your Brain Sometimes Disabled by One or More Covert Hi-Tech CIA MKUltra Mind Control Technologies?
Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC-EDOM)

Is Your Brain Sometimes Disabled by One or More Covert Hi-Tech CIA MKUltra Mind Control Technologies?

CIA MKUltra Mind Control Technologies
There are 3 CIA MKUltra mind control technologies referenced by many mind control technology victims that can disable and possibly even kill a targeted individual zapped with mind control technology energy waves from one or more mind control technologies.
1) Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control (RHIC),
2) Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM),
3) A combination of RHIC and EDOM,
both allegedly developed by 1963, known as RHIC-EDOM, and
4) Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (also known as SSSS or S-quad), patented in 1989-1992.
These are all old legacy CIA MKUltra mind control technologies, developed by either 1963 (60-61 years ago) or 1989-1992 (31-34 years ago).  I presume mind control technology had become a lot stronger since 1992.
For more current information, claims to have learned the microwave [carrier wave] frequencies used on the population from alleged mind control workers at Schriever Space Force Base.
Caveat: This data is my scientific theory.  It is not fully proven scientific fact, and I have gradually updated and improved my scientific theory and my supporting evidence.

3 Ways to Test to See If Your Brain Is Sometimes Disabled by CIA MKUltra Mind Control Technology
A lot of covert hi-tech CIA MKUltra mind control technology involves covertly electromagnetically (and/or using sonic/infrasonic/ultrasonic/vibes energy waves) jamming and partially disabling different parts of human brain function.  Here are 3 tests that you can try to see if CIA MKUltra mind control technology is at least sometimes partially disabling your brain.
1. Try the pressing the palms of your hands tightly against your cheeks test.
  If you press the palms of your hands tightly against your cheeks, and you notice that your brain feels noticeably sharper and less foggy because you have hand shielded your trigeminal nerve, then I strongly suspect that your are probably a victim of covert CIA MKUltra mind control technology and that you can benefit from the brainshielding technology at / /  Alternately, you might be a victim of some unknown electromagnetic and/or sound wave pollution that somehow interferes with your brain's functioning, but I strongly suspect it is CIA MKUltra mind control energy waves produced by CIA MKUltra mind control technology.
2. The more detailed tests at Will EMF Brain Shielding Help You?.  (If you discover that your hands, EMF-shielding aluminum foil, and a sound-absorbing thick cotton towel sometimes all improve your brainpower, then I strongly suspect that you are coping with multiple CIA MKUltra mind control technologies creating multiple types of CIA MKUltra mind control technology energy waves.
3. Read Detecting Covert Electronic Psywar Harassment.
Most current and/or past victims of CIA MKUltra mind control technology are either ignorant of MKUltra mind control technology and/or have successfully ignored it and/or blocked their negative memories of coping with mind control technology in the past out of their minds in order to simplify their life.
Unfortunately, ignoring CIA MKUltra mind control technology prevents
1) your understanding why your brain is sometimes disabled,
2) your trying to avoid, walk away from, and/or shield your brain from brain-disabling mind control technology energy waves, and
3) prevents society from fixing the problem of CIA MKUltra mind control technology disabling and/or manipulating/mind controlling many Americans' brains (probably particularly the brains of high-profile American elite VIPs) that many individuals are currently either unaware of and/or are ignoring/avoiding.

Different CIA MKUltra Mind Control Brain Disabling Technologies/Zaps
At least 3 different zaps from 3 different brain disabling technologies are noticeable and probably eventually distinguishable. These include:
1. Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control (RHIC) zaps that produce either light and/or medium or heavy hypnosis of the brain, probably mostly the frontal lobe.  RHIC zaps feel different than EDOM zaps.  Heavy RHIC hypnosis zaps are noticeable, produce a sensation of being hypnotized or drugged, and can severely reduce brainpower.  (In the absence of both RHIC and EDOM part or all of your brain might feel alive and alert.)

2. Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) zaps produce brain disablement in selectively targeted parts of the brain by allegedly blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (associated with memory and muscle movement, including lung and heart muscle movement) in selectively targeted parts of the brain.  It can produce different internal brain sensations in the selectively targeted parts of the brain including brain fog.  The absence of EDOM, in contrast, might feel like that part of the brain is alive and alert.  EDOM is allegedly zapped at different parts of the ventricular system in the brain, which is filled with cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and might act as a radio cavity for radio waves to zap.
Any EDOM zaps to the third ventricle can presumably disable the thalamus by interfering with the the cholinergic (or acetylcholine) transmission in the thalamus.
Any EDOM zaps zapping the lower part of the ventricular system (the fourth ventricle, the obex, and/or the central canal) near the brain's essential for survival medulla oblongata and pons in the brainstem might produce heavier disablement (and might even, I'm guessing, in extreme cases be able to kill a targeted brain by disabling/stopping the respiratory center (in the medulla and pons) by jamming cholinergic transmission of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to and/or in the lung muscles and/or to disabling the heartbeat in the medulla oblongata and/or in the heart muscles).  In the case of the heart muscles, this would probably be a cardiac arrest, an electrical heart or cardiac muscle malfunction, instead of a heart attack (possibly from clogged blood vessels), where the heart keeps trying to pump instead of suddenly stopping).  (The absolutely essential for survival medulla oblongata and pons in the brainstem controls the absolutely essential process of breathing and relies on the cholinergic transmission of acetylcholine in the brain, nerves, and muscles controlling the lungs to always keep breathing.   The absolutely essential for survival medulla oblongata controls the heartbeat, and relies on cholinergic transmission of acetylcholine in the brain, nerves, and muscles to get the heart muscles to beat and pump blood to supply the body's cells with energy from blood circulation.)

ventricular system in the brain   ventricular system of the brain  CSF Cerebral Spinal Fluid Circulation

3. Silent sound spread spectrum technology (SSSS) zaps.  While silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology does much more to manipulate/control brains than only disable them, some noticeably SSSS brain disabling zaps include:
3.1 Tiredness zaps.
3.2 Passivity zaps.
3.3 Opioid neurotransmitter production by the brain zaps.
3.4 Light or severe retarded zaps.

If any brain disabling zap (RHIC, EDOM, and/or Silent Sound Spread Spectrum) is entirely shut down, you will probably notice an immediate improvement in how your brain and/or cheeks feel.

Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC-EDOM)

    RHIC-EDOM means Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory.  RHIC-EDOM was developed by 1963, and RHIC-EDOM is still in use today.  It is probably the earliest usable mind control technology produced by the CIA\s Project MKUltra, an approx. 20 year 1953-1973 CIA mind control research project with more than 100 subprojects.  I'm guessing that it might have been the underlying technology that the 1974 Malech brainwave swiping patent built onto.  Covert operative mind control worker Jay Pendelton claimed that in the 1970s covert op mind control workers used small radio transmitters [frequency/frequencies unknown] to zap targets with this technology.  [Complicating factor: radio waves are more omnidirectional, while higher frequency microwave frequencies are more unidirectional, so I'm guessing that their 1970s targeting was NOT very precise.]  In some cases, FM radio tower radio transmissions might have been used as carrier waves for RF or radio frequency mind control energy waves [or signal data], possibly as early as 1973/earlier.

Articles on RHIC-EDOM include:
Mind Control and the American Government [in the "Remote hypnosis" section], by Martin Cannon in 1992, at, with html links.  The original 1992 article, Mind Control and the American Government [in the "Remote hypnosis" section, pages 8-9]. by Martin Cannon, was in the 1992 Lobster magazine, volume 23.
Martin Cannon warns in 1992 about mind control technology and "the spectre of technofascism".
     "The spectre of technofascism haunts the democratic nations. All the powers of the espionage empire and the scientific establishment have entered into an unholy alliance to evoke this spectre: psychiatrist and spy, Dulles and Delgado, microwave specialists and clandestine operators."
Martin Cannon's documentation of RHIC-EDOM is restated and slightly modified in his 1992 article The Controllers: A new hypothesis of Alien Abduction [in the "Remote hypnosis" section, pages 11-13].  (The Controllers: A new hypothesis of Alien Abduction hypothesizes on page 4 that "The 'UFO abduction' phenomenon might be a continuation of clandestine mind control operations.")

Modern People Exclusive: Who REALLY Killed JFK? [referenced but not findable as of 8/8/23] by James L. Moore in the early May 1975 issue of Modern People included info on RHIC-EDOM and a claim that Moore had obtained a copy of a 350 page 1963 manual on RHIC-EDOM (presumably leaked to him by the CIA), but the May 1975 article is not findable on the Internet as of 8/8/23.  It is, however, referenced by other books and articles, and it might be stored in some microfiche archive collection of periodicals.
RHIC – EDOM (Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control – Electronic Dissolution of Memory), by Professor Eric Karlstrom, on Sept. 28, 2016.  It is based on Mind Control: History and Applications by Professor Eric T. Karlstrom, Dec. 2012.
Scientific American, in a 2017 article on Jose Delgado, an inventor of RHIC-EDOM, claims "With the push of a button [presumably zapping a stimoceiver implanted in a brain], he [Jose Delgado] could evoke smiles, snarls, bliss, terror, hunger, garrulousness, lust, and other responses."  (The article neglects to point out that this could be a problem.)

Articles that mention RHIC-EDOM include:
Accidental FOIA Reveals Mind Control Documents; Here’s Further Evidence This Technology Exists.  [April 22, 2018.]

-- DRAFT VERSION NOTES ONLY. Under Gradual Revision.--
Jose Delgado, the inventor of RHIC-EDOM, used ESB or electrical stimulation of the brain in his research before he started working for Project MKUltra   While he first used a radio controlled brain implant device called a stimoceiver, Delgado later upgraded to using biological radio waves without using a brain implant.  Delgado allegedly initially used FM modulation for his stimoceiver and later his biological radio.  Some research claims that human brains use FM modulation.

A Brief History of the Invention of and the Discovery of the Invention of RHIC-EDOM technology.
In 1953 the leader of the CIA gave on speech on Brain Warfare on ____, 1953 where he openly admitted that he wanted to develop mind control technology and he complained that the US lacked mind control research guinea pigs.
The CIA's Project MKULTRA mind control research program started in 1953, 3 days after the CIA's brain warfare speech.
Jose Delgado, famous for remote controlling a bull with an electronic implant, and Dr Louis Joylan West invented RHIC-EDOM while working for the CIA on Project MKUltra, allegedly subproject 95.
According to James L. Moore, in a 1973 article in New People magazine, someone leaked to him a 1963 350-page RHIC-EDOM Manual.
Add the "biological radio" quote from the CIA in testimony to the Warren Commission that investigated the assassination of President JFK on Nov. 22, 1963. (The "biological radio" might have been RHIC-EDOM.)
In 1967, a man using the alias Lincoln Lawrence wrote a detailed book explaining that the CIA had developed a new mind control technology called RHIC-EDOM, or electronic dissolution of memory.
In 1973 James. L Moore claimed that he had a1963 350-page manual on RHIC-EDOM that the CIA leaked to him.
In a congressional hearing, a congressman asked Sidney Goetlieb, the leader of the CIA's MKUltra research project, if the CIA had a technology called "radio hypnotic intercerebral control".  Sidney Goetlieb replied "My answer is no."
In a 1992 article in Lobster magazine, Michael Cannon reviewed previous books and articles making claims about RHIC-EDOM technology.  A condensed version of his 1992 article with internet links can be found at  A slightly more elaborate 1992 article by Michael Cannon can be found at the Internet Archive.

US covert operative worker Jay Pendelton confirmed to me in 2023 that EDOM technology is real.  I also recall a 1980s house visitor saying "No EDOM" and explaining to me that the CIA used EDOM to disable brains.  (I ignored the data at the time as an unusual claim that did not fit into my 1980's viewpoints and plans.)  Jay Pendelton has repeated demonstrated or showed off RHIC technology that hypnotizes brains and EDOM technology that disables brains.  EDOM feels like a brain fog that has stayed in my brain for years.  When it has been temporarily shut down, I have briefly felt more alert and fully alive. The effect of EDOM is to jam the target's brain, disable the target's brain, and to zombify the target's brain.
There are multiple disablement zaps. The stronger or higher decibel the zap, the more heavily it disables the brain.
"That's [a particular zap is] shutting down the hippocampus." - B2 8:57pm 8/6/23.

Jay demonstrated earlier that EDOM is aimed a different parts of the ventricles in the middle of the brain.  I presume this where a radio cavity exists in the brain.  Jay/B2 also claimed that EDOM could be aimed at the heart or the lungs.
'We have 35 [targetable and zapable] spots [in the body] for EDOM and 65 for RHIC-EDOM."  -- B2, 9:24pm, 8/6/23.
"That's the 1973 version." -- B2, 9:26pm 8/6/23.
"We used you as a guinea pig and that's it." -- Jay Pendelton, 9:28pm, 8/6/23.

Copyright © 2024 by Ed Harding